
Connecting midi keyboard to audio interface
Connecting midi keyboard to audio interface

connecting midi keyboard to audio interface

The driver of that cable has been installed when first plugged into the computer automatically, and the virtual instrument works when I "play" it with the mouse Then I put a virtual instrument to the insert of that channel and activate the track After closing, when I create a Instrument Track I leave the channel input with no input and my basic speakers as output What I can choose is "USB MIDI Interface " which I chose for Input I have used a 2x2 version for many years and its been solid as a rock My own recommendation is the MOTU Fastlane. Now it may work fine once configured correctly(and I hope it does), but if it doesn't, you may need to spend more for a more "pro" option.

connecting midi keyboard to audio interface

#2-you picked probably the cheapest adapter possible, which is not always the best choice. The remaining IN connector can probably just hang un-connected unless your keyboard has sounds in it that you want to trigger Also, make sure you connect the Midi plugs correctly(I believe you want the plug labelled OUT connected to the Midi Out of the keyboard). The crucial setting is "Input Port" and that would be the little USB adapter you bought(which hopefully came with a driver). The brand and model settings are not important(you can leave them blank). Name it as you like(I use an Akai keyboard so I named mine "Akai").

connecting midi keyboard to audio interface

#1-have you gone into Setup>Midi>Midi Studio and configured the keyboard and routing? Pro Tools needs to know where to "look for" midi data and this window is where that gets configured.

Connecting midi keyboard to audio interface